Horse Riding

Horse riding is fun for all kinds of reasons. It can be done by people of all ages and abilities. Whether you are the adrenalin junky, just in it for a relaxing time or somewhere in between there is always something there that could be suitable for you.

For me nothing quite beats riding in the countryside. Whether it's a quiet treck through hills and woods, or a mad dash across a plain or down the beach. You might take a short ride, stealing away from a busy day for just a while, recharging the batteries and making the whole day seem brighter! Or an all day trail ride, maybe with friends, through stunning scenery and the ever delightful sites, smells and sounds of nature. Or perhaps you, like I, enjoy an early morning jaunt before work - when the world seems peaceful and the wind whips through your hair!

Many horse riders love the competitive world, working hard to perfect whatever skill it is that they and their horses have taken as their own. For some it is the challenge of show jumping, or the excitement of dashing across the countryside, or around a race track at full pelt. Others treasure the connection and understanding it takes to master skills like dressage and reining. Yet others show off their practical skills, like trail riding, endurance, cattle penning, cutting or other ranching skills. A few even enjoy the thrill of showing off their trick horse, or trick riding skills.

Whatever our own preferences we can always learn more. This site has articles on various aspects of horse riding. For the beginner there are tips and explanations of technique, along with articles on getting the best from lessons. It's never too late to start and many people take up riding during middle age. Older riders (like myself!) might well find the article on the Alexander technique useful. If you have been unfortunate enough to have suffered a riding accident then you might find Benedict Yossarians article on regaining confidence a little help.

Those who want to get their horses using their hindquarters should read Andy Curry's article on the subject. As someone who lives in the Welsh hills (UK) I can vouch that it works! My half Arab mare had hind-quarters almost as good as her quarter horse companions through all her "ups and downs", which is a normal part of horse riding around here!

Keep checking back to this section as I plan to extend it over the coming weeks and months. Thankyou!